
Frontis NPL S.p.A. (Frontis) is an Italian non-performing loans and asset backed securities special servicer carrying out cash collection activities for account of third parties pursuant to the trading licence “cat. 22 Reg. 2017” – issued by the Questura di Milano Police on 28th April 2017 pursuant to art. 115 of the Italian Consolidate Law on Public Security (TULPS). Frontis does not carry out and it is not authorized/licensed to carry out any lending and/or other regulated banking or financial activities in Italy (including any master servicing activity pursuant to Article 106 of the Italian Banking Law).

The information and the material published on this website shall not be regarded and/or deemed as any kind of possible appeal to public savings and/or any solicitation in respect of any possible investment. Indeed, Frontis does not offer and/or provide to its clients any advice in respect on possible investments in securities and/or other financial instruments as well as any kind of advice on legal, tax, financial and/or accounting matters.
Any person interested in pursuing any potential investment shall engage and be assisted by own advisors in order to be provided with independent evaluation and advice allowing it to properly and fully assess the risks and implications connected with the potential investment before pursuing it.

Frontis, its directors, managers and employees do not provide any warranty, implicit or explicit, on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the data and the information published on this website and therefore they cannot be held liable for any reason whatsoever for any loss, damage, liability, cost and/or expense deriving from the utilization of the information and/or data published on this website.